Cleanse the expert way
It might seem basic but washing your face properly, can mean the difference between just okay, and great skin. Proper cleansing prevents acne breakouts, improves skin health, and can reduce inflammation.
The following contributes to a proper cleansing routine:
- Wash your hands first – it might seem trivial but washing your hands before touching your face is crucial to avoid the spreading of bacteria.
- Avoid too hot water as it dries out the skin – opt for lukewarm water.
- Place your cleanser in the palm of your hand/s and massage in a circular motion: from the forehead, down the cheeks, remembering your neck and jaw.
- Research suggests that light massaging during cleansing may improve micro circulation and promote lymphatic drainage.
- Pat dry with a dedicated (face only) clean towel.
- Complete your cleansing by applying a skin type appropriate toner.
July, 2022